Thursday, November 16, 2006


READ JOHN 2:12-25
12) Jesus and His family, including the disciples, travel to Capernaum. Perhaps for preparation for their trip to Jerusalem. Capernaum was a larger town than Cana.
13) 1st Passover. (See Exodus 12:11-14) Passover is a memorial feast to celebrate God's mercy in passing over the first born in Egypt. Jesus is the everlasting Passover Lamb and the memorial we keep in remembrance of Him is Communion.
14-22) Scene at the Temple.
1) Main Character: Jesus Himself - shows righteous anger at the immoral conduct in the Temple. It was prophesied that there was One who would come who would refine and purify. (Zechariah 14:21; Mal. 3:1-3)
2) Merchants - those who did the selling of animals. Their rational was to help travelers, but corruption was the norm. Scandalous procedures were put into effect to profit from the sale of sacrificial animals.
3) Moneychangers - Temple dues had to be paid and in a certain coinage, so a profit was made by charging a higher percentage for changing the coins.
4) Jews - probably leaders of the Temple, they questioned Jesus' authority to do what He did. They demanded a sign! As if Jesus' driving out the moneychangers and merchants was not sign enough. Jesus said, "You want a sign? OK, I'll give you a sign. Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Bible Knowledge Commentary says: "The Jews - either the Jewish authorities or the merchants - demanded some proof for His right to challenge the existing order...Jesus gives a veiled saying. He desired that His hearers ponder the saying in order to perceive its significance." The Jews did not get it.
5) Disciples - THEY GOT IT! As Jesus was taking righteous judgment in the temple the disciples remembered (v.17) Psalm 69:9. Then after the resurrection (v.22) the disciples looked back at the incident and believed the Scriptures and what Jesus had spoken to them, it became clear that Jesus was talking about Himself and that He is the New Temple, never to be destroyed.
23=25) Jesus did many other signs, that were not recorded by John, so that many believed in His name. If you stop at v. 23 you would think perhaps these were believing in Jesus unto salvation, but v. 24-25 tells a different story. (See also John 4:48) Jesus did not need anyone to "bear witness" of the sinfulness of man. They were seeking for the miraculous and not the One who performed those miracles, they were wanting the quick fix to problems and not willing to put their trust in a long-suffering Savior, they looking for a accommodating teacher, not a Holy Teacher, and they were look for an earthly king, not a Heavenly King. Jesus understood the nature, character, and the conduct of men.

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