Friday, November 16, 2007


READ JOHN 12:16-36

16-28) Was Jesus really doing good?
Jesus' response: The hour is coming when the Son will be glorified, but first He must die just as a seed first dies and than bears much fruit. His goodness will be shown for what it is, bearing the fruit of salvation to many. His act of dying open the door for us as believers to enter into the very presence of God. As we follow Him the word spreads and the church grows. (Compare Gen. 15:5, the promise to Abraham with Rev. 7:9, the raptured church) Jesus' death was the purpose of His coming and the Father's name was to be glorified.
Notice in v28 the response from the Father: "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." God is faithful and true to His word!

29-33) Where did that voice come from?
Jesus' response: The voice was for their sake. Judgment has come! The cross is the condemnation, the judgment upon those who reject it. The cross is also the basis for the ultimate victory over Satan. He being lifted up will draw all men to Himself. Draw means to draw by inward power, lead, impel, in other words, Jesus, by moral and spiritual influence will win over to Himself the hearts of all. He has the ability and the power to draw all to Him, but not all will come.

34-36) Who is this Son of Man?
Jesus' response: He contrast light and darkness Cause: walk in the light, Effect: darkness will not overtake you; Cause: walk in darkness, Effect: know not where you are going. QUOTE: "The reference to "light" recalls 8:12, where Jesus identified himself as the Light of the world, and expecially 3:19-21, where the judgment consists of the Light (i.e. Jesus) coming into the world and provoking a response from men to come either to the light or shrink back into darkness. Here the same imagery is amplified, because we are reminded that Light is in the world only for a limited time (i.e. there is a limited time in which to repond to the light, or as here, by "walking in that light."). Those who refuse or delay will be "overtaken" by the darkness, which is coming after the light is taken away. The person who tries to walk in the darness is unable to see and thus "does not know where he is going." (The Bible Knowledge Key Word Study)

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